Thursday, 22 January 2015

Brownies in a bowl

Well hey there internet!

Now, I LOVE all things dessert related! I would definitely pick something sweet over something savoury any day!

So when I was browsing the internet (as you do) I came across this concept of making a brownie in less than 5 minutes.

And as an impatient person with a sweet tooth I clicked that article right away!
It was like all of life’s wishes had been granted at once.

I know I know, not only am I incredibly late to the game but I'm guessing you're all probably sick of these variations of how to make mug brownie. Everyone and their mother has seen/made this but after looking at different recipes and trying out different methods I’ve combined bits of ofmany recipes I’ve found to create the perfect (in my opinion) brownie.


You will need:

4 Tablespoons Flour

4 Tablespoons Sugar
2 Tablespoons Cocoa powder (Note: don't use cocoa mix or quik, it shouldn't have any sugar) 
2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil (Don't use one with a strong flavour, e.g. olive, sesame, etc) 
1 tablespoon of nutella (or any generic hazelnut spread or in fact any spread of your choice ...maybe not marmite unless you're looking to really experiment with this) 
1 Tablespoon milk
Dash of salt
Ice cream (optional)

A Microwave

OH! and a mug!

1)      Place all your dry ingredients in the mug and mix until it looks like hot chocolate powder, like so:
2)      Add your vegetable oil and milk until all the ingredients have mixed together and you’ve got this thick gooey texture with no dry powder in it at all (check the bottom of the mug)
3)      Add a tablespoon of nutella (optional) into the middle of your mixture and let in sink in a bit.
4)      Place your mug in the microwave for about 50 seconds (depending on your microwave)
5)      Serve with ice cream on top if you want to and ENJOY!

The reason I made this post is because I like things that are efficient and easy.  Who doesn't? So coming across this was pretty cool.  I get to enjoy the deliciousness of baked stuff without actually baking!

And I'm no professional baker, I'm actually better at cooking than I am at baking because there have been many occasions where I've turned into a hot mess because things are not going right.
But I have a sweet tooth.  So I enjoy eating sweet baked goods more than cooked food.
Do you see my dilemma? 
So coming across these recipes online made me want to try again.
And for once it wasn't a total failure!

Side note : after making this a couple of times I've realised that it's a lot less messier and easier if you make it in a bowl. 

So I technically should have called it 'A brownie in a bowl' I mean it even sounds better!

Oh well, I never claimed to be a professional at this.

Question of the day: Do you bake?  Or do you try to but somehow something goes wrong like me?

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