Saturday, 3 January 2015

Being a better you Part 3: The mindset to do it!

Well hey there internet,

One of the biggest challenges I face on a daily basis is the ability to actually get up and do what I need to be doing.

Self discipline basically.

It frustrates me just thinking about it because I think of it as completely ridiculous.

There’s no doubt about it. I'm a procrastinator. I procrastinate like it’s nobody’s business. I procrastinate to the point where I lie in bed and do nothing instead of being productive.

Here’s the thing, I think of myself as a motivated person; however I cannot discipline myself for shit. I am a “oh, I’ll do it in a bit” and a “give me five more minutes person.”

And I am such a bad procrastinator that I failed a year in school because of it.

I know that I have the capability to do so many amazing things I just need to stop being so god damn lazy.

So why am I telling you all this?

Well it’s because I want you to realise the biggest and most important challenge you will face that will stop you from succeeding in what you want to do is not anything or anyone, it’s you.

You are the key to your ideal future.

And for those of you who don’t know what you want your future to be?

Well I would like you to sit down and right down a list of everything that makes you happy, whether it’s small things or big things.

And I want you to look at that list and imagine a future where you that whole list so somehow incorporated in your life.

If your ideal job is to be a vet then be a vet!

Or maybe it’s to become a Youtuber? Go for it! There shouldn't be anything or anyone stopping you from doing what you want to do. No one is in charge of your future apart from you. Not your family, not your friends and not even your pet cat.

Do what makes you happy. Not what makes others happy.

Your hopes and dreams should not be your hopes and dreams. They should be your goals.

Question of the day: What are your goals in life?

Comment below or tweet me @noreenkhanom


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