Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Procrastination is the thief of time.

Well hey there internet!

Things have been pretty busy lately... And when I say busy I mean they should have been busy and productive buuut they weren't .

I have no one else to blame but myself.

I know that I'm lazy, it's one of my not so great traits. I come from a pretty lazy family aswell so that doesn't really help either.

Laziness is contagious. You see someone lazing around doing nothing and it makes you want to do the same. At least that's how I see it. 

And what does laziness lead to? 


The thief of time and also the most annoying thing ever! 

No one WANTS to procrastinate but you can't help it.

At that time and place you'd rather be doing anything and everything else apart from the one task you're supposed to do. 

Now I'm not here to tell you how to overcome this because there isn't really any other cure for it other than your willingness to get the job done.

But if you think your level of procrastination is so bad that it's causing problems then you need to step back and have a real think about why that is.

Sometimes it's just the case of not wanting to do a task but needing to in order to get to a task you want to do.

But it also may be the case that what you're doing is not something that makes you happy anymore.

Anywho those are just some random thoughts I've been having seeing as though procrastination has been a  bit if an issue in my life recently.

Question of the day: are you currently procrastinating right now? 

Comment below or tweet me @noreenkhanom