Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Phew! What a summer!

Well hey there internet,

August and September have flown by so quickly! Which means a few things:

1) It's AUTUMN. Which I'm quite excited about although I am going to miss summer. Which brings me onto my next point.

2) My summer went by incredibly quick. But it was so...... Gaahh words cannot describe how amazing my summer was.  I traveled so much and did things I never thought I would do and just thinking about it now makes me grin like an idiot but for someone who doesn't get out of the house much it was definitely a priceless experience and it's made me want to travel so bad! And I cannot wait to share with you guys my stories about my adventures in the states.

3) School has started.  BOO!  :(
However I am quite enjoying it.  I have moved schools and I feel like I made a  very good decision.  My grades so far have been straight As *celebratory fist pump* I have gotten to know new people and I feel like my life is finally on track so I now fit in things in my schedule like this and other non school stuff.

4) 2014 is slowly coming to an end :O Where has the time gone!? It's been an epic year and I can't wait to see what next year has in stall. 

So the last two months have been crazy busy with travelling, moving school and lots of other shenanigans and although I'll miss it all it is nice to finally sit down and take a breather. 

Question of the day:
What's your thoughts on this year so far?  Has anything exciting happened?  Or are you more looking forward to the rest of the year?
Comment below or tweet me @noreenkhanom